Saturday, February 04, 2012

Secure your lock!!-Firefox Number-Lock review

What is that one thing which gives you a sudden bolt of anxiety+worry+uncertainity ?
……….???.......????.......???.......???.....???!! Enough!!! Time Out!!

I’ll tell you. Misplacing keys. All kinds of them. Car Keys. Bike keys. Apartment keys. Locker keys. It goes to Bike locks too.

Since I am very notorious in loosing keys and also because I worry my holy soul out all the time I loose a key, I decided to get a Number lock this time for my precious GT Transeo 4.0

So, I bought this… Firefox lock 20258

Firefox Lock 20258

The first impression I had was ‘heavy’. It is heavy indeed. Thanks to the 12x1000 mm long metallic cable and its seemingly strong 4 Digit lock mechanism.

Firefox lock with plastic seat mount
It is very intuitive and simple to set and reset the numbers. There is a knob on the lock-end. Twist it, set the combination, twist it back and you are all set. So, what happens when you have already set the lock and then forgot the password? God, may help you!! Alternatively, the combination can be jolted down and hidden somewhere. And if you forget where you had hidden it..this time only God can help you!!

It also comes with a plastic seat-post mount and its pretty decent. But still, you have to take some extra care because the seat-post mount has a spring clamp that attaches to the plastic latch and the whole mechanism is very flimsy. It is highly advised that the lock cable be looped around the seat post or anywhere nearby rather than just hanging it from the mount. Trust me. I've already lost my lock somewhere on the road and this is what the seat post mount came of use.
My colleague's Sigma sensors where far away from the magnet and it was not working well due to this. The seat post mount that came with the Firefox lock was lying useless as I had lost the lock. So we just trimmed it and used it as a mount for the sensor It's working just fine now!

Again, not a superfab product but it is a value for money stuff. Rather than a reliable sturdy solution to lock your bike, it is more of a cheep good looking substitute which gives you a sense of security. Well, that’s more important than actual security, right?

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